Hello World.  

Pretense Press is not a business.  It is my hobby.  I write for my own pleasure.  I hope a few of you will read some of my projects including stories, travelogues, poetry, and articles.

I tried for years to get my writing published.   Most publishers and literary agents didn't even bother to reply.  One publisher did tell me I needed a reputation or at least have something already published.  I now have 7 books published.  I have also had a number of poems and articles published in the US, Canada, and Mexico.  I still write for fun. 

The following are a of some of my works.  Hope you will enjoy them.

Carl Lahser
Author, poet, naturalist and retired environmental engineer
(210) 657-5139
6102 Royal Breeze
San Antonio, TX 78239
HomeAlaskaSouth AmericaCaliforniaCanadaBeaches
ItalyGermanyPanama tripFinland and Russiabirthday books

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